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Tips on Tarot Cards

Things You Need to Know Before You Start Reading Tarot Cards

Tarot cards were first developed in the 14th century and used to play games. It wasn’t until the 18th century they began to be used for more divination purposes, and in the early 20th century, they became popular in the United States.

Though it is believed that tarot is the only deck available, oracle decks are also used.

  • Readings can be open and focused on a specific area of life, including life, love, career, etc. Or to question and provide insight into a specified question asked of them.
  • Practicing daily with a good deck does help you move from beginner to professional.

Although tarot card reading is now popular, negative stigma was attached to them not so long ago. Thanks to TV shows and horror movies, tarot cards were thought of as scary or intimidating and used to bring forth spirits. Now, however, a new outlook has been set forth, and more people have started to use them.

Although the common belief was tarot cards were a way to tell the future or reveal someone’s fortune, this is far from the truth.

Tarot cards don’t predict the future; instead, they are a tool for spiritual guidance and will enable a person to connect to their inner wisdom. Tarot readings can help someone better understand what they need to know about a specific situation. Decks are best used as a tool of wisdom and guidance because they provide insight into the past, present, and future events based on a person’s path. The cards don’t reveal what will happen but allow someone to understand a situation and determine the best course of action, what is known, and what shows in the cards.

If you would like to make an appointment with the tarot cards, please do not hesitate to contact Catalina Life Coach Spiritual Healer at (310) 709-1128 now if you live in the Whittier, CA region.